Media Coverage

CHOICE Reviews

“Margaret Walker (1915–98) exerted a powerful influence as a writer, a thinker, and an architect of Black studies in the South, and this reviewer is delighted that Graham (Univ. of Kansas) produced this comprehensive biography of Walker’s life. Carolyn Brown’s Song of My Life: A Biography of Margaret Walker (CH, May’15, 52-4611) was the first indication that Walker would receive her just due, and now Graham’s masterful prose and meticulous research combine to create an epic tale of Walker’s achievements and her connections to writers such as Langston Hughes and Richard Wright. Graham draws on Walker’s prolific writings and on previously unexamined personal papers and interviews with those who knew Walker well, including Graham herself, and uses those materials to capture Walker’s immense influence. Graham does a wonderful job of portraying Walker’s fierce determination, her passion for her work, and her desire to create new spaces for Black women artists. Graham’s new readings of Walker’s writings make this book a valuable resource for literary scholars studying Walker and her circle. Scholars of African American literature and culture will find here a wealth of material from which to understand Margaret Walker’s valuable contributions to Black letters.” –D. E. Magill, Longwood University

Mississippi Public Broadcasting (MPB)

Remembering Margaret Walker 50 years later, as her groundbreaking poetry festival returns to Jackson

By: Maya Miller

November 1, 2023

Dana Williams (Howard U), Savannah Bowen (U Kentucky), Joanne Gabbin (James Madison U), Shauna Morgan (U Kentucky), DaMaris Hill (U Kentucky), Carmen Wong and Angel Dye (James Madison U), and Maryemma Graham.

Oxford University Press Blog

When fame is not enough: Margaret Walker and the twentieth-century South

By: Maryemma Graham

October 25, 2023

Book Post USA

Review: Emily Bernard on Margaret Walker

By: Emily Bernard

October 13, 2023

MPB News: Mississippi Edition

Southern States Shape National Policy | Dollar Stores: Part 4 | Margaret Walker

*Segment on Margaret Walker begins at 13:50*

April 12, 2023

PSU Daily Collegian

Penn State hosts author, professor Maryemma Graham for biography reading

By: Lara Schwartz

March 17, 2023

The Pattee and Paterno Library lit up at night on Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2023 in University Park, Pa. Emily Rosio

Publisher’s Weekly

Margaret Walker Biographer Maryemma Graham Reveals the Woman Behind the Words

By: Emell Derra Adolphus

March 10, 2023

Walker signing copies of Jubilee in 1966.

Clarion Ledger

‘The House Where My Soul Lives’ author talks life of Margaret Walker

By: Jana Hoops

March 12, 2023